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Gwave は、最大 50 GHz の周波数を使用する2.4 mm メス型フランジ マウントおよび金属スループレート コネクタのグループを提供します。このシリーズのコネクタには4 穴フランジがあり、フランジ サイズは 9.5mmX 9.5mm、フランジ穴のスペースは 6.35mm です。スループレートのマテリアルの直径と長さ、テールピンの直径と長さが異なります。写真、図面、対応するサイズを参照して、必要な製品を選択してください。


2.4-KFD0201 Φ1=0.3mm、Φ2=4mm、L1=1.5mm、L2=1.4mm
2.4-KFD0202 Φ1=0.3mm、 Φ2=4mm、L1=1.5mm、L2=3mm  


頻度 DC-50GHz
挿入損失 ≤ 0.05 xSqt.(f_GHz) dB
VSWR 1.15
本体材質 ステンレス鋼
取付方法 4穴フランジ
サイズ 9.5mm×9.5mm
動作温度 -55~+165度



What are the Applications of 2.4mm Connectors?


The 2.4mm connectors are hence utilized in high-frequency applications such as microwave communication, aerospace, and satellite systems. They ensure low signal loss and high precision for systems operating up to 50 GHz. These connectors are essential for those environments that require high-quality and reliable RF performance. Read More

What Materials are Used in 2.4mm Connectors?


These connectors are usually made of the best stainless steel or beryllium copper for their strength and conductivity; yet most often, gold plating is used for the best corrosion resistance and improved electrical performance to guarantee a trouble-free operation, especially in high-frequency demanding applications.

How to Identify a Faulty 2.4mm Connector?


A bad 2.4mm connector will have signals that are lost more, and the connection is unstable. With a visual check, one can trace the issue to the form of wear, misalignment, or corrosion. However, some problems need only to be identified by network analyzer performance testing. Faulty connectors should always be replaced so that your system is always at optimum performance.

What are the Benefits of Using 2.4mm Connectors?


The performance in high frequency is excellent with no signal loss and is very durable. Connection is stable in 50 GHz systems. It is ideal for the accurate measurement and high-integrity transmission of signals in high RF systems.

How do Maintain a 2.4mm Connector?


Cleaning dust and debris from surfaces hosting the connector is needed for a 2.4mm connector. Avoid over-tightening as it may cause wear when installing. With occasional inspection and proper care, its longevity could increase, hence optimal performance in high-frequency use.